Project Objectives:

The goal of the project CTApp is to spread the learning of Computational Thinking Skills. Specifically the project has three aims:

  1. A State of the Art on Serious Gaming & Computational Thinking.
  2. The Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Mobile Serious Game in Computational Thinking (CTApp)
  3. Teacher Training Courses & Materials development on using the CTApp mobile game (e.g. handbooks & insturctive videos)


We will train teachers through an LTT event in Poland with 15 teachers from 5 project countries (PL, IT, CY, UK + GR) into teaching Computational Thinking skills with the CTApp mobile serious game. Trained teachers from each country will serve as multipliers and will train teachers in their own countries through training sessions all partners will organize.


Once the software development is finished we will run a large scale trial in which we will involve at least 200 students and observe their learning success with our mobile game. We will then finilize our mobile game and share it on an EU-wide scale. Scientific publications will be published to renowned international scientific journals & conferences with the results of the evaluation. The OPEN SOURCE ACCESS to all project outputs will be guaranteed for at least 5 years after project end. A TRANSFERABILITY of the results is guaranteed since all information gathered and developed can be transferred to primary and secondary schools as well as to Universities.